Rails – How I get a new model up

Quick tip…

When working on a rails project and I need to get a new model up and running, I do the following.

./script/generate model Fruit

That will generate the model files, and most-importantly an empty migration… all in one step. The migration also has the nice side effect of having the appropriate skeleton of the model already inside (less typing, better consistency == good)

I then edit the migration and run it to generate the necessary modifications to the database. For example, not only will I create the columns for the Fruit object, I may add some columns to another table (Cakes ?) to refer to instances of this new model.

rake migrate

Now, once this is done, I have the model, and the tables ready in the database. The next part is to add the scaffolding.

./script/generate scaffold Fruit \'admin/fruit\'

This will create the controller and view skeleton code that will facilitate the basic CRUD operations.


For all of this to work, you didn\’t have to do anything but pick a name for the model and choose the fields.

So here is the summary… simple, no?

./script/generate model Fruit

rake migrate

./script/generate scaffold Fruit \'admin/fruit\'

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