Unit Testing support should be included with all versions of Visual Studio 2005 and not just with Team System.

Unit Testing support should be included with all versions of Visual Studio 2005 and not just with Team System.

If you want to read more about this, go here.

The Unit Testing stuff in the new Visual Studio looks awesome, and is something that could easily be a foundation piece for all versions. In other words, the architect and team versions do not depend on this feature to define them.

I am not a big NUnit, or Unit Testing guy. However, when I have used it in my Python code, it has saved me time and time again. I think it is rapidly becoming one of those essential things that all programmer IDE packages will have.

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2 Responses to Unit Testing support should be included with all versions of Visual Studio 2005 and not just with Team System.

  1. Neville says:

    Gee, you sound like a Windows guy. At least you mentioned Python!

    Unit Testing isn’t everything, but it’s been useful for me.

  2. dru says:

    I am a windows guy! I used to be a Unix guy (Linux then Freebsd) Before that I was a NextStep guy. Before that I was a ATT Unix and VMS guy. (it gets kind of fuzzy before this, since I played with more than one platform at a time) Before that I was an Amiga guy. Before that I was an OS-9 guy (6809 µProc) Before that I was a Mac guy… ….

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